Individual & Couples Therapy
Beautiful Balance PLLC. specializes in trauma informed, culturally responsive individual and couples therapy with marginalized populations. Specifically individuals who identify as being part of a racial, gender, sexual, and relationship minority group. LGBTQIA, Kink, BDSM, Polyamory friendly and knowledgeable.
Cost of Services
Private Pay
Initial Assessment
Dr. Mia $150
per 60-80 minute session
Clinical Supervisee (LMSW) $35
per 60-minute session
Follow up session(s):
Dr. Mia $100
per 50 minute session
Clinical Supervisee (LMSW) $35
per 50 minute session
Payment Options:
Credit Card
Dr. Mia accepts the following insurances through Headway
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
BlueCross BlueShield
**copay determined after registering with Headway**
LMSW Supervisee's do not accept insurance
Cancellation Policy
Therapy appointments MUST be canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance or you will be required to pay a $150 cancelation fee for Dr. Mia and the full rate of the session for LMSW Supervisees. Credit card information will be kept on file for No Shows and/or Late cancellations.